Acute Care Education (ACE)

The Acute Care Education (ACE) Section is led by Dr. Megan Quintana and offers in-person as well as hybrid courses to all levels of providers. Teaching and education remain a priority for the George Washington University. The Center for Trauma and Critical Care (CTACC) provides multiple educational opportunities and classes annually for providers regionally and nationally. Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) is offered at least quarterly and more often when needed. Recently, CTACC also held the inaugural ATLS Instructor Course at George Washington University, thus making GW the only facility that offers an ATLS instructor course in Washington, DC. Other quarterly and semi-annual courses include Fundamentals of Critical Care Support, Emergency Neurological Life Support, Trauma Symposium, and Stop the Bleed. CTACC also offers and supports Stop the Bleed courses in the community, with classes taught on Capitol Hill as well as within the DC public school system.

CTACC also provides teaching and simulation among disciplines including Emergency Medicine and Anesthesia. Courses under development currently include The American College of Surgeons Disaster Management and Emergency Preparedness (DMEP) course and also Fundamentals of Critical Care: Crisis Management (FCCS: Crisis Management course). This section also works with The George Washington Emergency Medical Services Program to offer biannual paramedic refresher training as well as an annual, regional trauma symposium.

CTACC serves as core rotation for the George Washington University Department of Surgery General Surgery Program and the Emergency Medicine Program. The rotating physicians learn all aspects regarding evaluating and treating severely injured and acutely ill patients.